So once again i have been lazy as fuck with updating this, so heres a quick bit about the tour we did with our boys Brides. It was the end of September and Check yourselves out the poster!

Was cool to once again play with Brides, we are longtime lovers and its always a pleasure getting to see them. Thanks so much to all the promoters and people who came to the shows. As usual we got to catch up with loads of friends we dont get to see that often and made a few new ones along the way to. Heres some highs and lows to sum it up
+ Kinda high, bit was kinda weird. We did our first live radio interview on Total Rock radio in London. They played a few songs and it generally wasnt to crindgy so made an interesting london trip.
+ Martin saying Fuck within the first two minutes of us being live on air at 12 noon.
+ Rob D'Bank
+ Ant Brides being intoxicated pretty much the whole tour the trooper
+ Errander hang outs
+ Johnny Fucking Saville. Its always a pleasure.
+ We got played on the radio 1 rock show whilst on tour! They played You Were Dawn which we were really stoked about as we only found out by chance. Hahah granted again, we were played at 1:55AM, though its the thought that counts! Still sweet.
+ Lakes being Lakes
+ Seeing Aaron and Tom in Brighton. Its always a pleasure!
+ Gibbo the prospect being a bloody good roady for the last few shows
+ Brides van troubles
+ Poorly Tristan
+ Touring at the sametime as 3 similar/bigger tours
Unfortunately due to a lack of funds, it looks like we arnt going to be doing any other longer tours this year. Sucks, though at the sametime we are into sorting our personal lives out a bit better for when our album is due to release. We will however be doing some one off shows and probably a weekender or two before the year is out, so its not like we are fully dropping off the face of the earth for a while. As for news on our album, its looking like things are taking a lot longer than expected, as most things in the Lavotchkin camp do. I will do a separate thing about that when things firm up a bit more.
For the moment, check these pic's from the tour out!

Cheers once again for reading my rambles.
Stayed tuned for more news regarding our album!
Martin + The Lavotchkin's