So this month we have been working our bollocks off with our boy Phil Conway, demo'ing tracks that are possibly going towards our debut album. We are just beginning recording the vocals now so wont be long till we are back writing and playing shows again. Quite startings to miss it now!
Anyways, since the initial writing for our record began we have so far written 10 Tracks, of which it looks like just 5 or 6 will be going towards it. I guess we are just in the mind frame where we wanna just make our first record as special as we possibly can, so we're really trying to take a lot of time over it. I Guess just to make sure we are putting out the best we can possibly give. Blah Blah Blah...... i think you get what i mean. Anyway, we will keep you informed on here as it goes. So keep checking back if your interested ;-)
As for other News, with a lot of help from friends it looks like we will be coming back over to Europe in late Febuary. We are totally stoked and are hoping that the dudes sorting the shows out have good luck in firming everything out. If your interested in doing a date drop wtfoctopus bookings (Belgium) and Voltaire Booking (Austria) a message, both good fucking dudes and have there hearts in the right place. Myspack links bellow: -
Also, we are going to be doing four shows with the awesome Take A Worm For A Walk Week (Undergroove Records) at the end of Jan 09. This we are stoked about as we have been fans for a long while as well as previous Label mates on the awesome MidMarch Records. Check em out anyway and check our page for show details!
Merch News, we are going to be getting Two new shirts printed up at the end of October. One a design we have been sitting on for a while by our boy Jonas from The Grizzley Twister over in Sweden and the 2nd by the awsome BlackSails Design over in Italy. You can check the designs bellow:-
Jonas Grizzley Twister Design

Black Sails Design Shirt

Last bit, we are going to be playing with Flood Of Red in The Basement at Newcastle University in the early half of November. When your in a band, i guess theres always that one place that you always wanted to play cos of seeing all the bigger bands when you were younger etc etc......... Anyways the Basement at Newcastle University was that venue for us and we are so stoked to be playing, so big thanks to our boy Chell for putting us on. We definately owe him more than just one and please come down to make it a memourable one. If you're after tickets a couple of pounds cheaper drop us a line and we will hook you up.
Cheers for reading once again.
Martin + The Lavotchkin's